Sunday, June 3, 2007


Well, we all made it through the weekend in one piece, more or less. I have some mommy guilt going on - Bryn has a sunburn because I forgot to put sunscreen on her before her dance performance. Too late now, I suppose, but I keep hearing the statistics on how one bad sunburn during childhood increases your risk of getting skin cancer by a billion percent!

T-ball was pretty funny. There's nothing like a bunch of 3,4 and 5 year olds trying to hit and catch - especially with the distraction of a whole bunch of little frogs hanging out nearby in the mud just begging to be caught!

Aaron's grandmother is doing well after her hip surgery and we had a nice visit. She should be moving to inpatient rehab tomorrow and then will be able to head back home.

Memaw is also doing well - she will start chemo and radiation in a couple of weeks. It sounds like there is still quite a battle ahead for her, but that she is keeping a positive attitude.

We served 155 meatball subs this morning at Bridges of Hope and the meal was well received. I am always relieved when it is done and my responsibility is finished (at least for a few weeks!) without any major disasters occurring. I am not sure exactly what a soup kitchen disaster might be, but I know I don't want to find out.

Another busy week ahead...I have a long to do list. Among the things on that list are to figure out how to post some pics on my blog now that I have mastered the writing part!


Debi said...

First of all, who is Memaw? I was assuming it was Aaron's grandma, but obviously, I'm wrong. What's going on? Geez...what a lot you've all got on your plate these days! I am so happy to hear that Aaron's grandma is doing well, though.
I hope you took lots of pics at T-ball! I'll bet that is just the cutest thing to watch!

I actually have read In Cold Blood...many moons ago. I thought it was really good, too. I never would have guessed that they would have been friends. Don't ask me's not like I really know much about either one of them. Like you, I assumed Harper Lee was a man until just a few years ago. What are you reading these days?

Anonymous said...

Posting pictures on your blog is super easy!! Once you've saved your pictures to your computer, open a new post and up on the toolbar for that post will be an icon of something (I'm thinking it's a mountain .... or something scenic) ... you'll see it. Click on that and that will pop open a window and allow you to browse for where your picture is stored. You click the size and where you want the picture and hit the button at the bottom to upload it. It's as easy as that. :o)

Your day at the soup kitchen sounds tiring but of so fulfilling. What joy you must bring to so many people!

You have a good Monday!

~**Dawn**~ said...

once you get the hang of it, posting images in your blog is a piece of cake!