It has been a frustrating couple of days around here...between our health insurance company, hospital billing issues and my students I am about ready to scream. In addition, I have been having more of my lovely heart palpitations and haven't been sleeping well. So I am pretty much going to just whine for a couple of minutes!
I received a bill from the hospital (which we shouldn't owe) for my gestational diabetes consult and called to check on it. Billing tells me that insurance paid some $75 and I owe the rest. I call the insurance company who says they have no record of a bill for that date of service and didn't pay. So when I call the hospital back, they tell me that insurance didn't pay, but that I paid $75 (which I didn't) and that when they contacted the insurance company they were told I wasn't a member. So I call the insurance company who assures me I am a member, but then proceeds to tell me that my OB doc is not a contracting provider and unless my OB care is precertified I am not going to be covered anyway. At which point I freak out because I already checked all of this out before our insurance was changed and call the doctors office and pre-certification and everyone else under the sun. Turns out the person I talked to was clueless on how to look up participating providers in her own computer system. Gotta love incompetence. And the hospital thing still isn't resolved - I gave up temporarily. Yes, I was defeated by the system.
Then I check in on my online classes this morning to find an email from a student who I had given a zero on an assignment because it was late and she proceeds to tell me I have been mean and not helpful and she should be allowed to make up all the work (including 2 tests) she missed because her computer crashed (for many weeks evidently). Never mind that she never contacted me about any problems. And obviously I must be unaware that there is a computer shortage in this country and no possible way she could ever find a computer to use anywhere but at her house. And never mind that all of my policies about logging in to class and turning in work and contacting me if there are problems are CLEARLY stated within the class info. I am just a mean and horrible person out to keep all of my students from doing well in my classes just because I like to see them fail and I personally love the aggravation of dealing with unhappy people. You have learned something new about me.
And additionally I am throwing PVCs like crazy and it is about to drive me crazy. I know that in theory it is "normal" for my heart to do this and I have obviously survived it so far, but it is disconcerting to be skipping multiple beats per minute. I finally called the doc yesterday afternoon after 4 days of craziness and was told to go to Labor and Delivery if it picks up or continues at the rate it has been going. So far today it hasn't been too bad and since these "episodes" usually last 3 to 4 days it is probably just about over. One can hope, anyway. And I am sure my current aggravation level is doing a lot to help calm my heart down.
So I can't vent and not find some silver lining...
All looked well at my latest OB appointment and we're counting down the days until the 26th.
The girls at Bunco had a little (totally unexpected since I just started playing) shower for me last night and I got some cute outfits and towels and a bunch of diapers and stuff.
Elmer has only pooped on the floor 4 times in the last week instead of every single time he needed to go (never mind that he hadn't gone in the house in a month prior).
Bryn has Spring Break starting on Thursday and we are going to do some fun stuff before her baby brother shows up. We only have swimming and a trip to T-Rex restaurant on the agenda so far, but should be able to come up with some other good things to do!