Saturday, October 20, 2007


I had a great day shopping with my friend Monica and got some cute holiday stuff. I found an advent calendar with little drawers...I have been looking for a cute one for a few years now. I usually put little strips of paper with holiday activities for Bryn and I to do in envelopes for every day in December, but now I can put them in the drawers with a treat. Too cool!

Uh oh! I am listening to the very end of the K-State game as I type and it looks like the game is not going to go to the Wildcats tonight. Oklahoma State just scored a field goal to pull ahead by 2 points with 2 seconds left. Not good. I hope Aaron is having a little bit of fun at the game anyway.

I think the new heartburn medicine is doing the trick. I am sleeping better without the strange symptoms that were plaguing me at night so I am thrilled.

Off to watch some more DVR'ed reality TV...can't beat that on a Saturday night!

1 comment:

Debi said...

Yeah for a successful shopping trip! Even bigger yeah for a successful medicine!