Monday, October 1, 2007

Getting the ball rolling...

I finally caved in and called our builder to see if he was interested and/or available to finish our currently unfinished basement. I love our new house, but losing that basement area to put toys and the computer has been a bummer. I don't think Aaron and Bryn are much bothered by it, but having stuff I can't unpack and stuff piled on top of stuff in closets is driving me crazy. Now one could argue that simply means it is time to get rid of a lot of stuff because we have too much and one would be very correct. And some of it will be going in the garage sale this Saturday (yes, I have gone insane and decided to participate in the city-wide garage sale), but I am still longing for some more space and an extra bedroom so we can have a room for the baby and a guest room for our visitors. The current plan is that the baby doesn't get a room and shares our bedroom and closet, but I don't think that is a great long term plan! The long and short of it is that we could definitely work with what we have and have plenty of room for all of us - finishing the basement is definitely not a NEED, but it is a serious WANT on my part. Anyway, we'll see what the estimate comes back to be and go from there.

No other news...had breakfast with some mom friends this morning and had a nice time and I have book club tonight. And I am so very excited to get home from book club and have both "Prison Break" and "The Bachelor" to watch...hooray!


Debi said...

Hope the news on the estimate is good! That is a SERIOUS WANT for us, too. But as Rich and I were just discussing yesterday, by the time we can afford it, the kids will be grown and we won't really need to do it anymore. Ah, such is life, huh?

Breakfast with "the moms" sounds great! And what are you reading for your book club?

Jennifer said...

Hope you get a good estimate and it all works out. I wish I HAD a basement to finish! We are quite tight here. But someday we will have more space - probably about the time we don't need it anymore! At least now we have the barn out back that houses hubby's office and plenty of storage. We had to build that because Ruthi didn't have a room when she was born. Oh how I'd love to have some more space! I really hope you can get a good price to get that done!

Anonymous said...

Fun, a basement. We don't have one in our house. They aren't popular here in SC, for some reason. Not in the new homes, anyway.