Saturday, September 13, 2008

Rain, rain, go away

It has been raining for 3 days. And it is sure to rain more when Ike makes its way up here. Now I have nothing against rain, but this seems a bit extreme. We have a little lake in the front yard. The new bushes in the flower bed are holding swimming lessons for each other. Bryn's ballet class was held in the basement because there was a tornado warning during class. Our sump pump is working its little electric heart out. The dog is one big wet, smelly furball. Such is life in Kansas, I suppose.


Susan said...

It's awful when it just never seems to end. Hoping for sun and rainbows soon!

Susan said...

It's awful when it just never seems to end. Hoping for sun and rainbows soon!

Debi said...

Oh, you must post some pictures of Bryn "balleting" soon!

Hope you dry out soon!

gail@more than a song said...

We had some rain from Ike too but it did pass by in about a day or so....hope you've dried out!