Sunday, September 7, 2008

The sounds of...crying

I am currently listening to Grant scream...after many nights of battling a non-sleeping baby, we are letting him cry. There is some deja vu going on here as we came to the same point when Bryn was a baby - there was absolutely nothing you could do to calm her down and get her to sleep. No amount of holding, rocking, feeding, patting, etc. would put her to sleep. I suppose I haven't tried quite as hard with Grant to exhaust all possibilities but evidence suggests a similar problem with him. Hopefully this will all be a distant memory in a week or so and we will all be sleeping peacefully through the night.

In other news, I have signed up to participate in the Breast Cancer 3 Day Walk in Chicago next August. It is a 3 day 60 mile event and a couple of other girls from church have signed up, too. It should be a lot of fun and I am ready to start training - I guess Grant and I will be walking A LOT in the next year!


Debi said...

Ahhh, I hope it truly is a distant memory very soon. For everyone's sake.

How cool that you're doing the walk! Have you set up any kind of training plan for yourself or anything? Just asking, cuz I might "train" along with you from across the miles. Goodness knows I could the exercise...and this could just be the kind of motivation I need.

Karen Hossink said...

Oh dear, I know crying it out can be very trying on Mom's nerves. Hope your nerves are doing alright!
While it's tempting to say, "This, too, shall pass," I want rather to encourage you to hold onto God and treasure His love through the trial.
And enjoy the walks!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on signing up for the Breast Cancer 3-Day! If you'd like to get a little taste of what the community is like, we invite you to visit our official Breast Cancer 3-Day Flickr group and join our Facebook fan page or MySpace page.

Susan said...

Oh I remember those days. I hope it's getting better.

I am doing a walk here in Florida as well.

:-) Susan