It looks like our heat wave is over...after almost 60 degree temps yesterday, we had a little mini-blizzard today complete with 40 mph winds. Bryn got out of school early and although the sun is now shining, we are holed up for the evening...
Speaking of school getting out early, I don't remember ever getting out of school early. I have no clue how working parents are supposed to make arrangements when the announcement generally comes 30 minutes or so before they close. What on earth are you supposed to do if they are busing your kid home and you are sitting at work 45 minutes away and can't get home? I personally find it ridiculous that they put parents in that kind of predicament for a half inch of snow. But as usual, nobody asked me!
Nothing else new going in here. I decided against getting out to go to swimming lessons this afternoon and will probably not go to dog obedience class tonight either. I'm sure the roads are passable, but it seems like a good excuse to hang out and do nothing this evening!
Is the weather lately crazy or what?
I totally agree about the school thing. Although CJ is homeschooled, he did spend 2 years in school. One day the bus pulled up early without ANY notification they were going to let them go early. I was furious! I mean, what if I hadn't been home?! It seems like they could come up with a better plan. But what to do?
Stay warm!
OK, where are you? Your abrupt weather change sounds just like Michigan, but I don't think you're here. We always joke - If you don't like the weather just wait five minutes. It'll change!
Anyway, I hope you survive the snow...Are you serious? The kids got sent home early because of half an inch of snow???
Hope you enjoy the evening "in"!
I'm im Kansas...near Kansas City. In all fairness, it did look like there was going to be more snow (and there are lots of rural kids in the district) and it just kind of abruptly stopped. But I am still not on board with letting school out early with less than an hours notice...
Sounds like your weather arrived here this morning. Nasty morning out there right now...and I'm definitely not looking forward to taking Gray out to the bus. I think you made the right decision to just stay in...hope you all had a nice, cozy, relaxing evening indoors!
And I've often wondered how working parents manage to deal with all that crap myself. Half an hour?!! That's just crazy!
Back when Don was in 5th grade and Steve was in 2nd, I was at Sam's (wholesale club) one morning when I pushed my cart into a new aisle and met a teacher's aide from their elementary school. What the!?!? The schools had closed early due to possible flooding. This was before I had a cell phone, so I rushed to the pay phone at the front of the store and called them. They were fine, just waiting for me to come home. Fortunately, since we live in the country, we never lock our doors. (If someone wants to break in, they can break all the windows they want and it's doubtful anyone will hear, so why encourage that.) Now, if the schools are closing early, there's an e-mail and phone notification system that parents can subscribe to. They also ask each parent for an emergency plan--can your child go home with another child? Be dropped at a sitter's house? Etc. Fortunately, we almost-empty-nesters don't have to worry about things like that any longer.
I miss that cozy feeling of being "stuck" inside while it's Winter-ing outside. I don't miss having to shovel out when it's done though. ;-)
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