Tuesday, December 4, 2007

There may be hope yet...

that the basement will actually get done! We met with Ralph last night and he is supposed to be getting started next Wednesday. He is estimating 90 days until completion which means we will probably be in utter disarray around her when baby shoes up and won't have a baby room, but it will just be more exciting (challenging) that way, right?!?!

Stephanie and Monica are going to throw me a baby shower (which makes me feel a little weird since it is not my first baby and I think showers are technically only for first babies), but I am excited since I didn't get to have a pre-baby shower when I was pregnant with Bryn as I went on bedrest so early.

It has been a quiet couple of days, which is good since I think I am trying to get a cold. Things will pick up tomorrow - I am meeting Christi in Topeka to do some Christmas shopping and have lunch. On Thursday I have a meeting for work and Elmer is going to doggie daycare to check out the digs where he will be staying over Christmas. I must admit I am looking forward to a break from puppy world...it will be nice to sleep in a little and not have to clean up "accidents" all the time (yes, Elmer has still not completely caught on to where his toilet is located - I am so thankful for the wood floors I could just about cry).

We did get Bryn's correct school pictures and even got to keep the crazy pictures as a bonus. Not surewhat I'll do with a 8 x 10 of my wild-eyed child - I guess it will be good to pull out when she starts dating someday...


Debi said...

Oh, it must be so exciting getting underway with the basement! Well, exciting and stressful.

Debi said...

Ditto times three on the missing you! And I know what you mean about the kids looking grown up, too...every time you post a picture of that beautiful girl of yours I get all teary-eyed. I wish so much we were there to witness Bryn growing up in person!

Okay, so we probably won't get down to exchange Christmas gifts in person, but I do hope we'll get there next summer. MUST MEET BABY IN PERSON!

I meant to say in my earlier comment that you shouldn't feel weird about your friends throwing you a baby shower. It's not like you asked them to, right? I say you should just enjoy it to the fullest!!!
(I didn't say it early 'cause dimwit here accidentally submitted prematurely. Then didn't want to look like a dork by commenting again right after I'd just commented. But since I'm back anyway, I figured I'd might as well speak up. You know I'm a dork anyway, so what's the harm, huh?)

Jennifer said...

Yay on getting the basement going! Ruthi didn't have a room until she was 3 months - they don't know the difference! (Although it does tend to be a little inconvenient!)

Definitely don't feel weird about the shower. Sit back and enjoy it. This baby is just as important and deserves a celebration too - not to mention some new things! I have friends who have 4+ kids and we always give a shower if they have another one! I threw a shower earlier this year for one of my best friends when she had #5! Around here at least, it's not weird at all. So enjoy!!!