Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Plans foiled...

So I survived another year of VBS and only have a cold to show for it...

Aaron and I finally got out for a night away and I had to pull my typical stunt of "we have some time alone, I need to get sick" and came down with a cold on Saturday morning that got progressively worse throughout the day. And now Grant has it, too. Poor little guy is all feverish and whimpery. Aaron has poison ivy all over his hands and has huge blisters between his fingers which are making him extremely uncomfortable. Bryn has a runny nose and a bit of a cough. In short, the Reeds are currently a mess!

Bryn is heading to Grandma and Grandpa's on Thursday which will leave Grant and I alone in the house since Aaron is off to Alaska tomorrow for the American Society of Mammalogists meeting. I have two bookclub meetings and a 17 and 13 mile walk planned so I will be busy and Grant will be seeing a lot of his babysitter!

It is HOT here - the bank sign said 103 today and I am sure I am going to melt anytime. I am going to be a wreck if it doesn't cool off a bit for walking this weekend.


Debi said...

My goodness...hope you all are feeling better SOON!!!

Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

I just got back from walking 4 miles in this heat, and that was more than enough. I CANNOT imagine wakling 17 miles in our heat... we hit 100 yesterday and are supposed to for most of this week. I'm already tired of summer :(

Hope your cold goes away soon, get some rest!

Karen Hossink said...

Aha! You answered my question. I was wondering if, somehow, these walks were going to take place inside. Guess not!
Don't forget your water tank, er, bottle!