Saturday, December 20, 2008

Still here

We have had a busy week and if the frequency of everyone else's blog posts are any indication, we are not the only ones!

Bryn had a snow day on Tuesday (so did Aaron) so we all got to hang out together at home all day. Bryn's Christmas program was also this week and she and I went to see a Kansas Nutcracker last night. And we are all sick - Aaron is at the tail end of a cold, Grant is in the middle of one and Bryn and I just got it. Fun stuff!

I am finally truly finished with my Christmas shopping (at least I think I am!), but haven't managed to get a single Christmas card sent. Looks like I may send New Year's cards this year as I still have to finish decorating and cleaning before everyone comes to visit. We are staying home this year and Aaron's parents and brother will be here Tuesday and my mom and John and grandparents will be arriving on Christmas Eve and will be staying through the weekend. It should be a lot of fun!

Winter weather has swooped in full force - the high tomorrow is supposed to be 8 degrees. I just hope the precipitation waits until Christmas day to fall so all of our guests can get here safe and sound!

And some fabulous holiday news...Mema's most recent scan showed the cancer is not growing - hooray!


Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

Yeah on the cancer scan! But boo that you guys are all sick. I hope you're much better now, and will stay healthy and happy for this joyous Christmas season!

Merry Christmas to you and your family, Kara!

~**Dawn**~ said...

I hope you all get done with your cold in time for Christmas! It's going to be 80 here in Florida for Christmas. =/ I don't expect 8 obviously but at least 60 would feel a little more holiday-ish.

Susan said...

Awww...I understand the busy thing. It's so hard. I hope you all had a lovely Christmas! And I'm so glad to hear about the positive scan results.


:-) Susan

Karen Hossink said...

I'm doing a New Year letter rather than a Christmas letter, too. I actually had the Christmas letter written, but didn't get it printed and finally decided to scrap it and start "New"!
Hope you enjoyed the holidays, and HOORAY for your fabulous holiday news!!!

gail@more than a song said...

I think everyone has been busy!
Hope you had a great Christmas and good start to the new year!

Nicole said...

You got your new update. Now I want pictures too!