Saturday, November 8, 2008

Weekend update

Pretty sad that I can't even remember what I did last night so I suppose I can't give a full weekend update unless I go look at the calendar or ask my husband! I did go to volunteer in Bryn's classroom - I am going to go in every Friday to man the "treasure box" (the kids get coins and green dots for good behavior that they get to cash in for prizes at the end of the week). And I remember taking Bryn to ballet so I suppose I didn't lose the whole day to the black hole that is my mind these days!

I do know that today was semi-busy with a run to Lawrence to do some Christmas shopping and pick up some stuff to decorate a small Christmas tree to donate to the library's Christmas tree auction. Bryn and I are making a "Fancy Nancy" tree (a character of children's book fame who likes to dress up and be fancy) so we bought a bunch of sparkly pink and silver decorations. And Aaron dropped the 4 million pounds of glass recyclables of at the recycling center. But then we got to go have Mexican food for lunch and go to the bookstore which was quite fun. Follow that up with a nice afternoon nap, a nutritious dinner of pizza, wings and apple pie and it has been a pretty good day!


Debi said...

Oh, you must share a picture of your Fancy Nancy tree before you take it in! How fun!

Sounds like a pretty busy day, but in a fun kind of way! Hope your week brings lots of fun as well!

~**Dawn**~ said...

I enjoyed the last weekend of Food & Wine Festival at Epcot--I really need to get that blogged too. =P