Monday, February 7, 2011

For the Longest Time...

Ahhhh...Billy Joel...Takes me back...

Anyway, the last month has been busy, busy and I have no idea really what I have been doing. Without referring back to my calendar to refresh my memory, I am hard pressed to guess where my time has gone.

Girl Scout cookie season has officially ended. I managed to get 1500 boxes of cookies distributed to the girls in the troop and then get money turned in for those 1500 boxes. having that finished almost feels like winning the lottery. But without the influx of millions of dollars, unfortunately.

Bryn and I went and saw "Shrek: The Musical". It was a lot of fun and reminded me that I don't get out enough for "girl time" with Bryn.

We have had enough snow to last for a few years, I think. Bryn has been out of school for at least 7 or 8 snow days since Christmas and although shoveling the driveway is fine exercise, I am about over it. Putting that pool in just in time to close it up for the winter has been a form of torture for us - let's get to swimming weather already!

Went to Chicago to visit Grandma and Grandpa with Nicole and Jeremiah. It was a quick trip, but we had a good time.

I have spent lots of time testing my blood sugar and learning about diabetes. Not exactly good times, but I am adjusting.

Time flies. I keep thinking I need to slow down and savor, but who the heck has time?


Debi said...

1500 boxes of cookies--sheesh, you deserve the million dollars for dealing with all that!!!

And 7 or 8 school days already?!! How much snow have you all had?!! (I best not mention this to the boys. :P )

How is the adjusting going, Kara? Are things settling into a routine for you as you learn the ins and outs?

kreed said...

We had a 5 to 6 inch snow dump and then another round of about 8-10 inches. A couple of the snow days were due to extreme cold. I think there may have been a 2 inch snow thrown in there, too...frankly, I don't even really remember! Just LOTS of snow for this area!

Adjusting pretty well. Actually hasn't been too hard - I am highly motivated this time! ;)

Debi said...

I'm so glad to hear the adjustment is going okay. Though I do realize when you say "hasn't been too hard," that doesn't equate to "it's been easy." And I'm sure it hasn't been easy. How are you feeling physically?

LOL--think I'll still keep that from from the boys...we just went over 90" of snow here and they've only had one weather day (for ice). They rarely get cold days here--the policy is the wind chill has to be 40 below. And that kind of cold is not nearly as common here as it is your neck of the woods--thankfully! :P When will Bryn have to make up all these snow days? It's not going to ruin any early summer plans, is it?

kreed said...

You are hasn't been easy. But I do feel a lot better and I remind myself that in the big scheme of things it could be much worse.

We had more snow last night, but no snow day. Amazing how, now that all of the built in snow days are used up, the snowy roads are all of a sudden much safer! Any additional snow make up days won't change our plans- I have no problem taking Bryn out of school! :)

I am glad to finally have gotten to your tumblr account...However, I can't figure out how to comment!

Jean said...

Snow days were always when we managed to slow down. I especially liked it when they announced the closure the night before. I often made cinnamon rolls for breakfast the next morning. And hot chocolate ... lots and lots of hot chocolate!