Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Here I am!

So I am still not totally caught up, but I am forging ahead and I am just going to start where I am and go forward. I figure there is probably nothing that is going to change the course of world history in my to do pile so it might as well stay where it is.

They are FINALLY almost done working on our street. It has been a long and painful process and there is no telling when they will put our mailboxes back up (it will be so disappointing not to have to pick it up at the post office - ha!).

The new pool opened today and we actually went for an hour or so. Bryn swam and tried out the waterslides while Grant and I sat in the shade. I dont' know how oten we'll be there since I am such a lover of public pools - I guess it will be as often as Bryn can wear me down to take her!

And now for some pictures...

Grammy and Grant

Bryn, Mema and Grant

Bryn and Nikki

I'm 3 months old!


Sleeping Dudes

The many faces of Grant

Bryn helping put together the new patio furniture (it will be so nice to have a comfy place to sit in the stifling heat - if you have to be hot you might as well have a comfortable chair!)

Some crafty stuff for Nicole's baby shower in a couple of weeks

That's all for now!


Karen Hossink said...

It's good to hear from you!

I love the pictures of Grant, but I believe my favorite is "Slurp."

~**Dawn**~ said...

OMG I don't even know how you are posting. I would be too busy kissing those baby cheeks!!

Jennifer said...

Wow - 3 months already? He is such a cutie pie!
Love your altered letters and diaper cake.
Try to stay cool in this heat!

gail@more than a song said...

What cute fun pictures! He's getting so big and is smiling so much, cute!

Debi said...

Oh, oh, oh...but he is just too dang cute!!! I want to reach right through this screen and cuddle him up!

And what the heck is your mom's secret?!! She looks like she hasn't aged a day since I last saw her!

Susan said...

Awwww...he's getting so big! These are great pictures. It's so hard to catch up sometimes, that you're right...starting where you are and moving forward, is a good thing.

:-) Susan